
Friends, I think that stories are powerful ways of telling the truth about our experiences.  Several folks around the web have told how their stories have been shaped through encountering the message of my most recent book ‘Mirror […]


Taking cue from an African proverb: “if you want to go fast, walk alone; if you want to go far, walk with others,” Chris and I hosted a vision casting gathering of 50 remarkable leaders to cast the […]


Summer is here: As I prepare to travel to Uganda the end of the week, I look forward to a number of events and activities: a celebration at home in honor of mothers 75th birthday; hosting a number […]


I cannot believe, though, it is already June, and a year has gone by since my last post. I must admit, I have done a bad job keeping this webblog up to date. I wish I could send […]


As soon as the classes were out, Chris and I moved on full speed to work on the book series on reconciliation, and to write the lead title in this series, as well as develop some other programs […]


What a great experience, co-teaching with my colleague and co-director Chris, a class on Journeys of Reconciliation, exploring with a group of 16 students the convictions at the heart of the Center for Reconciliation. For the first two […]
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