
There is also of course the catholic in me – the priest who has always found himself in different congregations – thus learning to be at ‘home’ in the church across the globe. I have therefore come to take the ‘catholicity’ of the church very seriously- and to see see the church as a space of intersections (reconciliation) where Catholic and Protestant, black and white; North and South; the West and East meet to hear and learn again the exciting story of God, and to be thereby formed into God’s new creation- into a new community, a holy assembly (ecclesia) in which there is no more Greek or Jew, male or female, young or old, Protestant and Catholic…
I must be careful not to give an impression that I have everything figured out. I do not. In fact, all I wanted to share with you was the news that there is something new that God is doing. I do not know exactly what it is. But I am sure so glad to be part of it.



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