Who Are My People?: Love, Violence, and Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa. University of Notre Dame Press, 2022.
The Journey of Reconciliation: Groaning for New Creation in Africa. Orbis, 2017.
Born from Lament: On the Theology and Politics of Hope in Africa. Erdmans, 2017.
Stories from Bethany: On the Faces of the church in Africa. Paulines Publications Africa, 2012.
The Sacrifice of Africa: A Political Theology for Africa. Eerdmanns, 2010.
Mirror to the Church: Resurrecting Faith After Genocide in Rwanda. (With Jonathan Wilson Hartgrove). Zondervan, 2009.
Reconciling All Things: A Christian Vision for Justice, Peace and Healing. (Co-authored with Chris Rice). IVP, 2008.
A Future for Africa: Critical Essays in Christian Social Imagination. University of Scranton Press, 2005.
Beyond Universal Reason: The Relation Between Ethics and Religion in the Work of Stanley Hauerwas. Notre Dame University Press, 2000.(Ed.)
African Theology Today. University of Scranton Press, 2002.
Articles and Chapters
Field Hospital: Heal Africa and the Politics of Compassion in Eastern Congo. Missiology. An International Review 45/1 ( Jan 2017): 25-37
The Gospel as Politics in Africa. Theological Studies 77/3: (704-720)
Things Which Can Only be Seem by Eyes that Have Cried: Towards a Political Theology of Lament, in Grace, Governance and Globalization, eds Martin G. Poulsom, Lieven Boeve, Stephan van Erp (T&T Clark, 2016):225-237.
“The Church of the Future: Pressing Moral Issues from Ecclesia in Africa,” in The Church We Want: African Catholics Look at Vatican III, ed. Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orabator (Orbis 2016): 161-174.
Reconciliation and the New Evangelization in Africa: An Excess of Love in the midst of Africa’s Turbulent Social History, in François Boespflug & Emmanuela Fogliadini, eds . Le Missioni in Africa: La sfida dell’inulturazione. (Emi. Bologna 2016): 173-194.
Of Coffins and Churches: A Dangerous Ecclesiology, or Seven Marks of an Emerging African Ecclesiology,(ed) The Church We Want: Foundations, Theology and Mission of the Church in Africa (Nairobi. Paulines Publications, 2015): 190-202.
Religion in Africa: A Curse or a Blessing: On Daring to Re-invent Christianity in Africa,in Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, (ed.), Theological Reimagination: Conversations on Church, Religion, and Society in Africa (Nairobi, Kenya: Paulines Publications Africa, 2014): 199-210
The Sacrifice of Africa: Ecclesial Radiances of “A Different World Right Here” A Response to Anne Arabome, Elias Bongmba and John Kiess. Modern Theology 30/2 (Spring 2014): 421-430.
Apostolic Exhortation on Reconciliation Africae Munus, in Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation, ed. Robert Schreiter & Knud Jorgensen. Regnum Books International. London, 2013 [66-78]
The Social Teaching of the Uganda Catholic Bishope: 1962-2012 (with John Mary Waliggo & Ben Ssettuma. The Waliggo 4/2 (July 2013): 7-50
“A Voice is Heard in Ramah: Lament as the Form and Shape of the Prophetic Imagination,” in Nurturing the Prophetic Imagination, ed. Jamie Gates & mark H. Mann (Point Loma Press, 2012) , 117-132.
“The Raising of Lazarus and the sites for African Theological Exploration and Engagement,” in Africa is Not Destined to Die: Signs of Hope and Renewal, ed. Ambrose John Bwangatto, Paulines Publications Africa. Nairobi, 2012, pp 21-32.
“Embodied and Embodying Hermeneutics of Life in the Academy: Musa W. Dube’s HIV/AIDS Work,” in Africa Biblical Hermeneutics, ed. Andrew Mbuvi (SBL Publications, 2012): 407-416
“Violence and Social Imagination. Rethinking Religion and Politics in Africa,” in Religion, Conflict and Democracy in Modern Africa: The Role of Civil Society in Political Engagement, ed. ed. Elolia Samuel K (Pickwick Publications, 2012)
Mission and the Ephesian Moment of World Christianity: Pilgrimages of Pain and hope and the Economics of Eating Together. Mission Studies 29/2 (2012):183-200
Justice, Forgiveness and Reconciliation in the Wake of Genocide. The End of Words. The Other Journal August 2012:
Christianity, Tribalism, and the Rwandan Genocide. Logos, volume 8:3 (2005): 67-93, reproduced in A Future for Africa (Scranton, 2005)
Kannungu and the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God in Uganda. A Challenge for Christian Social Imagination. Logos 6/3 (2003): 108-144., reproduced in A Future for Africa (Scranton, 2005)
A Different World Right Here, a ‘World Being Gestated in the Deeds of the Everyday’: the Church Within African Theological Imagination. Missionalia. 30/2 (2002); 206-234, reproduced in A Future for Africa (Scranton, 2005)
Christian Ethics and AIDS in Africa Today: Exploring the Limits of a Culture of Suspicion and Despair. Missionalia 29:2 (August 2001), 125-143, reproduced as “AIDS, Condomization and Christian Ethics,” A Future for Africa, Ch. 2 (Scranton, 2005)
Postmodern Illusions and the Challenges of African Theology: The Ecclesial Tactics of Resistance. Modern Theology 16/2 (2000): 237-254, reproduced in A Future for Africa (Scranton, 2005)
“Postures of Social Engagement: Reflections on Christianity After Rwanda’s Genocide.” With Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove. The Review of Faith & International Affairs 8:1 (2010): 71-5.
“AIDS in African, the Church, and the Politics of Interruption.” Heil und Befreiung in Afrika. Missionswissenschaft und Dialog der Religionen vol. 3., ed. Francis X. D’Sa and Jürgen Lohmayer (Echter, 2007): 167-183.
“Africa.” The Blackwell Companion to Catholicism, ed. James L. Buckley, Frederick Bauerschmidt, and Trent Pomplum (Ocford, 2007), 127-142.
“An Age of Miraculous Medicines,” in AIDS in Africa: Theological Reflections, ed. Benezet Bujo & Michael Czerny (Nairobi: Paulines, 2007), 104-119.
“Violence and Social Imagination: Rethinking Theology and Politics in Africa.” Religion and Theology 12/2 (2005): 145-171.
“Mission and Social Formation: On Dealing with King Leopold’s Ghost in Africa.” African Theology Today, ed. Emmanuel Katongole (Scranton University Press, 2002), 121-146.
“Globalization and Economic Fundamentalism in Africa: On Why the Market Cannot Save Us.” The Cries of the Poor: Questions and Responses for African Christianity, ed. Peter Kanyandago (Kisubi: Marianum Publishing Press, 2002), 57-78.
“Prospects of Ecclesia in Africa in the 21st Century.” Logos 4/1 (2001): 179-196.
“African Renaissance and Narrative Theology in Africa: Which Story? Whose Renaissance? Journal of Theology for Southern Africa 102 (1998): 29-40.
“Ethics in the Workplace and the Power of Culture: Is Ubuntu a Blessing or a Curse? Praxis: Journal for Christian Business Management. 6/3 (1998): 2-5.
“Theological Perspectives on Poverty.” The Challenge of Eradicating Poverty in the World: An African Response, ed. Carbine Dierdre & M. O’Reilly (Nkozi: Uganda Martyrs University Press, 1998), 63-74.
“The Evangelization of Slaves and Catholic Origins in East Africa,” by Paul V. Kollman. Africa Studies Review 49/3 (2006): 170-1.
“The Gospel Beyond the West? A Review of Lamin Sanneh’s ‘Whose Religion is Christianity: The Gospel Beyond the West.’ Pro Ecclesia 15/1 (2006): 140-5.