Since 2002, Fr. Emmanuel has led groups from around the world on two week journeys to Uganda and Rwanda. Called Pilgrimages of Pain and Hope, the journeys draw inspiration from the ancient Christian practice of pilgrimages and recasts the notion of pilgrimage as a fresh paradigm of mission in the era of global Christianity. The goal of the pilgrimage journey is not aid (to needy Africa), nor even partnership, but to learn to see and relate to Africa with fresh eyes.

On the Pilgrimage of Pain and Hope, Emmanuel invites his fellow pilgrims to enter the social cultural, historical and living story of Africa, and to make it part of their own Christian narrative. The result is the imagination of new possibilities for the Church: to be a renewed Body of Christ, that is boldly and unapologetically catholic in its outlook and its way of life.

Explore past trips at the links below:

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