
Advent 2017 Letter from the President Dear Friends, During the season of Advent, my mind often turns toward dreams, vision, and story. This is especially true this year as I have seen a personal dream turn into a […]


David Tonghou Ngong, an Associate Professor of Religion and Theology at Stillman College, reviews Born From Lament for the American Academy of Religion. He writes, “Katongole’s portrayal of an alternative vision of peace which the Christian faith provides […]


Over fall break I had the opportunity to lead students on a trip through Uganda as part of the Common Good Initiative. The Common Good Initiative brings graduate students together from a wide range of disciplines to reflect […]


On October 3rd, Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute and the department of theology co-sponsored a book launch in celebration of my two most recent books Born from Lament: The Theology and Politics of Hope in Africa and The Journey […]


This continues to be a spring filled with events and gifts to celebrate on many fronts, among others: February 2017: Being named as Henry Luce III Fellow in Theology. The fellowship will allow me to take a year […]


December 28, 2016 A brief Christmas time in Uganda whose highlight was the family celebration of mother’s 91st birthday! See some pictures from the event: January 5-8, 2017 Another highlight was a 3 day “Indaba” at Bethany House […]
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