
Friends, Podcasts are now available of the plenary talk I gave at last October’s Faith, Film & Justice Forum in Seattle, “Justice, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation in the Wake of Genocide? The End of Words,” as well as an […]


According to the Catholic liturgical calendar, the fourth Sunday in lent is known as laetare Sunday. Laetare is the singular imperative of the latin laetari, to rejoice. The invitation, nay command of the 4th Sunday of lent is […]


The story of Moses before the burning bush (Exodus 3:1ff) was read in many churches this past Sunday. I have always wondered why in the story Moses is commanded to not go any nearer but to “take off […]


The story of Abram, read on the second Sunday of lent, reminds us that God continues to dream in us even in our old age, even in what might appear to be barren, dry and unproductive seasons of […]


Friends, A few newer online resources you may find interesting: A discussion of my Mirror to the Church can be found here, which could be a useful introduction if you haven’t read it. I recently commented to PRISM Magazine n […]


The temptations of Jesus which we read about on the first Sunday of Lent offer us three usual ways – possession, power & fame – through which we seek meaning and significance, thinking that this is what makes […]
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