Complex economic, political, cultural and policy factors have contributed to the current ecological crisis. However, at the basis of these complex factors lies a fundamental theological problem which has to do with our failure to live as creatures who are fashioned out of the earth and have been given the vocation to till the land and take care of it.” (Gen 2:15). It is this vocation we have been running away from and the effects are disastrous especially in Africa……..
But since as the Congolese theologian Ka Mana has reminded us, “The goal of African theology must be to transform Africa rather than just explain it; to change it positively rather than just study it; to create history rather than just to interpret it,” what I wish to do is to present The Bethany Land Institute is one concrete experiment that reflects the invitation to “till the land and take care of it.” Keynote address at the 2015 HNGR symposium “The Hungry Shall be Filled“. Wheaton University. Feb 2–28, 2015. Listen to the lecture and other sessions at the symposium.
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