Father Anthony Rweza (aka Father Zach), a co-founder of BLI, beloved priest, and dear friend to many, passed away on June 15, 2021. Below is a beautiful tribute to him written by Fr. Joseph Ssebunya. He will be be dearly missed.
Fare-thee-well, Fr. Zach
Rare was your name, to match your character.
All kids would jeer, at the mention of ‘Zakaria’.
Yet all would cheer at the humour that oozed, from a Zach so dear.
Fare-thee-well Fr. Zach
A friend so rare.
So easy to relate, with both young and the old,
With a smile so warm and welcoming to all.
More friends than foes you made, of all castes and creeds.
Ever open, ever true, yet all races you embraced.
How we’ll miss thy company: with fun, laugh and dine.
Fare-thee-well Fr. Zach
A priest so rare.
Not the habit you doned but thy heart, revealed the priestly soul within.
Zeal for souls, like Christ you had.
Rich and Poor to thee they fled,
Seeking help and counsel in life.
None returned from thee unattended.
Fare-thee-well, Fr. Zach
An entrepreneur so rare.
Gifted by God, you generously gave:
Hardwork, honesty, creativity and thrift.
Business acumen rare to find.
All you gave to serve your Church.
Great was the mind that humbly steered, a self-reliant local Church in modern times.
Fare-thee-well, Fr. Zach
A memory so rare.
Not in stone is your name inscribed;
Neither Church wall nor building is tall enough,
Your great legacy to uphold.
Into the hearts and minds of the many lives
Touched by your deeds and generous heart.
Your lasting memory will always remain engraved.
Time immemorial never forgotten.
Fare-thee-well Fr. Zach
A child of God so beloved.
You trod the path willed for thee by God.
You heeded the call of your Master.
You erred like all humans do.
But run the race with faith to the end.
Meet thee now the Merciful face,
of thy Judge and saviour Lord.
In the bossom of Mary thy Mother
Hear thy Patron Zachary sing his song:
“Blessed be …God of Israel, …
He has visited his people and redeemed them…
The loving kindness of our God….
He will give light to those …in the shadow of death…and guide us in the way of peace” (Lk. 1:67-79)
And once at home with all the saints.
Forget us not Fr. Zach our friend.
So soon we too with you shall be.
Until we meet again, Father Zach, you will remain with us in our hearts.
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