
November 16-18: Indianapolis at the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) gathering: over 2000 attending. Highlighs of the meeting: a standing room only workshop led my Chris and myself on ‘From Genocide in Rwanda to Peace in Boston and LA’; and a lively consultation with Jim Tyree and others of Stand for Africa– an organization committed to spread awareness and respond to HIV/AIDS in Africa. The Lord keeps sowing seeds of hope.

From Indianapolis, I flew directly to Philadelphia for the AAR/SBL – a meeting of a completely different find: the biggest academic gathering of the U.S. – almost all PhDs and PhD wannabes: lots of brilliant ideas and lots of brilliant books to sell. Making a transition from Indianapolis (community development, practical focus) to Philadelphia (world of brilliant ‘ideas’) was not easy. Fortunately, the paper I read dealt with matters of life and death: AIDS in Africa. Speaking in the African Hermeneutics Group, I pressed the need to embody Hermeneutics of Life in the Academy: “Embodies and Embodying Hermeneutics of Life in the Academy: Musa W. Dube’s HIV/AIDS Work.”


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